LinkedIn is a fantastic place to showcase your skills, meet professionals and get that all-important job offer that will set you on the path to your dream career. The challenge is making your profile stand out among 500 million others!

As a student, it can be rather deflating if you only have retail experience to your name. In fact, it means that you have real work experience - something few grads can boast. Through your retail job, you have acquired skills that employers are looking for.

Fresh out of uni and eager to bag that brand new job? Good for you; it’s tough competition out there. Still, when you take your first steps through the front door at your new workplace there are some things you should be prepared for.

We all know social media plays a starring role in the marketing process, but do you know how Snapchat can benefit your strategy? You just might have to, so here are the basics.

No matter who you are, what your career plans are or how famous you turn out to be, every person has to begin their career somewhere. Even the CEOs of major international companies had to begin in some menial job or other, earning a meagre wage so as to demonstrate their employability.

When seeking your first real-world job after graduation, it can be hard to know where to start. With your uni careers team, your pals and your parents advising you what to look for, how can you tell the difference between any old grad job and a leg up your career ladder?