If you're a student who procrastinates then the Pomodoro Technique could help you. You're probably procrastinating now, rather than tackling that essay or assignment that's worrying you.

When you know a friend who decides to become a vet or doctor, you may think they have planned their life out. Adam, a Nottingham grad, challenges that preconception.

Whenever we engage in our favourite addictive activity, we get that uncomfortable feeling of drifting further from our goals and aspirations. And it’s so hard to break the circle that, in some cases, cold turkey and simply resisting your cravings may not be enough.

Bored of the standard 1-2 A4 pages, Times New Roman, PDF/Word CV submission? Us too. Why not shake things up a little? While there's no guarantee that any of the below will actually get you a job, they’ll certainly get you noticed.

Many people have retail somewhere on their CV. But what about making it into a full-time career? Where could that lead?