- November 1, 2017
- Rebecca Miller
Going to university with few-to-no cooking skills can be risky. Sick of eating toast? Fancy learning the basics? Here are our top tips!
Going to university with few-to-no cooking skills can be risky. Sick of eating toast? Fancy learning the basics? Here are our top tips!
Late night chats, 3AM toastie-making and wild house parties are some of the highlights of living under one roof with your best mates. It can also be the cause of ultimate friendshipicide.
It's that time of year again! A whole herd of sleepy final year caterpillars are emerging from their cocoons as beautiful, grown-up butterflies. In theory, that is.
If you love the sun, sea and sand, then studying at a coastal university is the obvious choice for you! To help you decide between pebbles or sand, here are our top ten favourite UK universities by the sea.
Partying like there's no 9am lecture can be the best thing about being at university. But with drinks getting more expensive, students need to get spending savvy.
More than a third of employees admit that additional perks and benefits are amongst their top consideration before accepting a new job. But how do you even get hired by your perfect employer?
Have you ever noticed how much of life’s transitional periods are labelled with anxious vibes? These are the times in our lives when people tend to panic about change. But have you ever heard of the graduate blues?
Between throwing your cap into the air and finding your feet in the “real world,” there exists a magical time of total freedom. So it is no surprise that fleeing the country with your belongings on your back, for a few months of stress-free exploring, sounds like the perfect escape.
The UK is lagging behind in 20th place in the World Economic Forum, for gender equality rankings. what does that exactly mean? Are women paid less because they choose lower-paying jobs? Or is it because they hold the main caregiving responsibilities when children are born? And what does gender bias have to do with #GenderPayGap?
When it comes to university, the words ‘stress’ and ‘procrastination’ are said more times than you have had roast dinners. But what do they mean? What forms do they come in and how can you deal with them?