When you hear the word psychology, what comes to mind? An asylum filled with raging lunatics and a man in a white coat walking around, nonchalantly jotting down info on a sheet of paper?

The UK is lagging behind in 20th place in the World Economic Forum, for gender equality rankings. what does that exactly mean? Are women paid less because they choose lower-paying jobs? Or is it because they hold the main caregiving responsibilities when children are born? And what does gender bias have to do with #GenderPayGap?

For those with dissertations, exams, presentations, essays and existential crisis to combat, this time of year becomes one of burgeoning workloads, marathon library sessions and emotional breakdowns in Subway at 10am. Take it from a Dissertation Survivor that these following four tips can ease the burden. Slightly.

You’ve been sliding through the day and wonder where your attention has got to. You feel like you could receive an Award for Excellence in Self-distraction, if there was one. Maybe it’s time you had a go at one of those apps for increasing focus and productivity at work.