- September 29, 2017
- Gemma Callaghan
Got a touch of first day nerves? The transition between jobs can be a tough one, all anticipation and worry.
Got a touch of first day nerves? The transition between jobs can be a tough one, all anticipation and worry.
The word dissertation is enough to send shivers down any student’s spine. Dissertations will be the biggest project you will have to do while you’re at uni; for some, it's an entire year's work.
What food do you think of when you imagine student living? Kebabs, chips, pot noodles? Cheap and cheerful, but not all that healthy.
We all dream of finding the One. No, not *that* One.
50-70% of first time students experience homesickness during their first few weeks. So why not bring a bit of home to your new digs?
In need of a holiday and not much cash to play with? With all the stress of a first grad job, you’re bound to feel ready to escape the daily slog sooner or later. A holiday or short break can be the perfect way to refresh yourself after all that hard work.
Starting out in the world of work can be pretty daunting. You can prepare yourself as much as possible: polish those shoes, iron this shirt and comb that hair. What you can’t always be ready for are some of the stranger questions you might face during the interview.
Your bags are packed abd there’s excitement in the air. But don’t forget a few simple but important things to consider when starting out at uni; they can make all the difference if you need medical care.
Want to ensure you have a safe night out? Learn the facts about alcohol.
With millions of pupils taking their exams this year, the build-up to exam results can be extremely stressful. While it isn’t possible to change the outcome of the exam results, it is possible to reduce the amount of anxiety or stress you suffer.