How Do You Know If You’ve Found ‘The One’?
- September 26, 2017
- Gemma Callaghan
We all dream of finding the One.
No, not that One.
I’m talking about that perfect job – the one you study for, write endless job applications and craft the perfect CV for. But while there’s plenty of literature covering how to nab that perfect position, what happens after that? How do you know that this role is the one you’ve been dreaming after for so long?
Luckily, most graduates get a job quickly after university. In 2013, 193,890 grad were working six months after graduatiob, with 124,700 of those in ‘professional-level’ roles. But out of these professional roles, when the gloss has worn off, is the working world as shiny as you thought it would be?
Does your personality suit the role and company you’re in? So much of how much you like your role can depend on the fit of the company.
Is it a very formal environment, or laid back? How do they approach the work/life balance, and even banter in the office? If you’re an outgoing person who likes to chat, a quiet studious workplace with limited staff may not suit you.
Try doing some personality tests to find out what suits you. The results may give you a good indication as to which environment might suit you. Another quiz to give you an insight into yourself is the perfect job quiz. This one asks a series of ten questions to determine what your perfect role is, taking into account what you consider risks and whether you like working independently or as part of a team.
Understanding what you want
The key to happiness is finding what works for you. Fresh out of university, you may be keen to be earning money and using those skills you’ve just acquired. But to make that buzz feeling last, you should question what it is you enjoy.
Do you want a job that is fast-paced, with tight deadlines, that’ll run you down to the wire? Or a more slow-paced environment Do you want something that pushes you or allows you to move at your own pace?
Truthfully answering these questions could help you see your role more clearly. Evaluate whether it’s the real deal, or just a temporary role until you find your true love. Find out what makes you tick by answering these questions.
Do you love what you do? Is it a deep passion or just a bit of fun? Something you jump out of bed thinking about? Or something that has you weeping before 9AM each morning?
For love or money?
What matters most: your bank balance or your personal fulfilment? Research has shown that money doesn’t buy happiness, so look into what matters deep down to you.
Focusing on the negative
Do you focus purely on the negative parts of your job, but forget to embrace the parts you actually like? Plenty of us are guilty of this oversight.
You may hate meetings in your job, but looking into the reasons behind it might surprise you. What you actually may dislike is the confrontational aspect of having to talk in front of your co-workers. Recognise the real reasons behind what stresses you out.
Unique skills
Do you have some unique skills that you’re not utilising? If so, can you adapt these in your role, or find a role that fits with these skills?
Using these guidelines, you should be able to identify some important things which will help you realise if your job is ‘the’ job. You now realise that you love every aspect of your role and it’s the dream. You think that the job is great but there are more aspects that could be better, if so focus on the positives and try and incorporate more of your key skills into the role.
Or sadly you hate the role, realise it’s just something you have jumped into, but now know yourself that bit more to find a job that really suits you! And if you’re still not sure answer more questions to help you navigate down your career path after graduation.
Inspiring Interns is an internship and graduate recruitment agency. To browse graduate jobs, click here. For senior digital and mobile jobs, please see Inspiring Search.