Dealing With Distractions At Uni
- November 3, 2017
- Haleema Khokhar
It can be difficult to keep your head down and study at uni with all the distractions and temptations waiting to catch you out. These come in many forms: TV, social media and friends who know they should let you study but also want you to come out to another fancy dress party.
Are you the type of person who easily gives in to your distractions? We’re here to help.
Be realistic
When you’re creating your study timetable, be realistic about how many days and hours you’re going to put in. There’s nothing worse than saying you’ll revise for eight hours every day if you’re practically braindead by noon. Do what works for you; break it down into chunks and give yourself permission to socialise once in a while.
Minimise interruptions
Put your phone on silent and away from your eyes so you’re not tempted to check it. You’ll probably need your laptop to work but you have to be strong and don’t keep Facebook or Twitter et cetera open in one tab. All that will do is increase the chances of you flicking from work mode to checking your newsfeed.
Learn to say no
You don’t have to go to every event with your friends. If you have deadlines to meet then they take priority over any night out. If your friends are the type who tell you to forget your work and party instead then maybe it’s time to revaluate your friends! Real friends will understand when you say no.
Switch your study areas up
Try working from different places – for example, the library or a coffee shop. You don’t always have to be locked in your bedroom. This could be one of the reasons you get distracted in the first place! You’re probably getting bored of looking up to see the same four walls everyday.
Give yourself incentives
Try to have something to look forward to after your study sessions. This could be anything from a cinema trip with your mates to a quiet night in pampering yourself. This will hopefully give you that extra boost of motivation to keep you going.
Take some tome to reflect and adjust
Ask yourself what your main goal for the week is, and plan how you’re going to achieve it. Try doing this every Sunday night and at the end of the week you can look back and see if you achieved your goal. If you didn’t, ask yourself why. Take note of things that distracted you and make a conscious effort to stay away from them the following week.
Remember that the last thing you want is for distractions to start interfering with your grades. You came to uni for a reason. Now go forth and do what it takes to get that degree. And if you have to cut activities, devices and even people from your life to get your work done… then do it!
Haleema Khokhar. also known as Kimi (a college nickname that stayed). is a journalism graduate working in the world of marketing and freelance writing. She loves animals, dance and a strong cup of tea. Check out her website and Twitter at @MyImpression_ you can also check out her personal Twitter at @KimiKhokhar
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