5 Reasons You Should Temp
- March 7, 2018
- Catherine McColgan
Undoubtedly university is one of the best stages of your lives. As well as fun it’s a great opportunity to kick-start your career. Finishing university with no job prospects and sending several applications that disappear into cyberspace really isn’t fun.
Office temping is a great way to stand out from the crowd. While coveted summer internships are a handy way to secure jobs, being a temp is a less competitive alternative. The application process is also a lot shorter and less laborious if you have deadlines.
Unconvinced? Here are just 5 reasons you should temp:
It’s a head start
Working as a temp allows you to access some key programmes companies use. Generally students don’t use Microsoft Outlook, but it’s often the principle email system in offices. These systems aren’t difficult, but in busy businesses people often prefer not to answer questions on how to recall an email.
It’s flexible and really quite easy
There are so many temporary agencies with numerous candidates of varying circumstances. As a result, recruiters are flexible so you can gain relevant experience when it’s convenient for you. If you have a looming deadline, don’t work, it’s simple.
Depending on the job, temping can be quite quiet and often managers let you choose how to spend these periods. It’s the perfect chance to complete outstanding seminar work, as long as it’s ok with the company.
Build key relationships
It’s difficult to stress just how helpful temping is for relationship building.
Often, current employees want to meet you and talk about your goals. If you present yourself well, eat lunch in communal areas and complete tasks accurately, it’s 100% possible to land something more long term.
Alternatively, you will meet people who will let you know when a suitable position is available while, at the same time, learn useful information. As a temporary receptionist, just signing people in and out brings to light the sheer number of lesser known companies out there.
Eliminate nerves
Any new setting comes with its own set of rules. At university you may be a leading member of a university exec or regularly achieve top grades by hitting the library hard. Temping offers introduction to different office environments and enables you to find the right office culture for you
You get paid
Whilst internships give you invaluable experience, many don’t pay anything, or pay very poorly.
With an ever closing social mobility gap in education and tuition fees which cost £9000 per year on average, more students are living on stretched budgets.
Temporary work is generally paid very well, generally £8.50 – £12.00 per hour in London.
To secure a position of your choice first time round is amazing. That said, it’s not the end of the world if this doesn’t happen. Before panicking that you didn’t get the placement you wanted, consider temping as an alternative stepping stone into a longer term position.
Inspiring Interns is a recruitment agency specialising in all the internships and graduate jobs London has to offer.