There are some fundamental life lessons that university degrees don't cover - and no amount of portfolios will rectify that. Here are our top points to consider before entering the workplace as a graduate - and trust us, the next five minutes' reading could be just as important as your entire degree.

As a university student, you may feel as though your time is limited, especially if long commutes take valuable hours out of your day. According to a 2014 survey, the average commuter spends 10,634 hours on their journey to work - and students are no exception..

While a summer internship might sound like a horrible trade-off to your much-expected vacation, the experience you will earn may very well be what will get you on your way to your dream job a few years down the line.

The first thing you will want to do when entering your student bedroom is to decorate it, put your own stuff in there, and try to get rid of that hospital ward uniformity that is making you consider running the two hundred miles back home to your familiar childhood bedroom.