How the Recent Graduate Can Thrive in an Unstable Economy
- September 29, 2022
- Marketing Team
Today’s new graduates arguably face an uncertain future. With news reports claiming that another recession may be on the cards, it’s natural for the new graduate to feel stressed and apprehensive about what their future holds.
However, you shouldn’t give up if you stumble at the first hurdle. Job hunting may be more difficult than usual for a graduate in these uncertain times, but there are many ways you can make yourself more employable and boost your chances of success.
Here are some top tips for you to take on board:
Apply for a part-time job
You never know what challenges a recession may bring. You may be terrified of not being able to pay off loans or everyday expenses if you become unemployed and you may be putting much pressure on yourself to find something full-time and stable.
In an unpredictable economy, finding your dream graduate job isn’t always easy – so don’t be too hard on yourself.
Instead, why not think about applying for a part-time job? While it may not be what you’re looking for right now, it helps fill the gap in your CV while you find your perfect job and gives you the element of stability temporarily.
Use the free time in your week to focus on yourself and figure out what you really want to do in the long term and how you’ll get there.
Boost your graduate skillset
Your degree will have provided you with an array of transferable skills that can be used in the workplace, but now’s the time to gain industry-specific skills to help you stand out from the crowd against other candidates.
You can achieve new skills by applying for work experience placements or internships; as well as taking on new online courses.
Being determined to improve your skillset shows a willingness to learn which is an extremely valuable trait in the eyes of an employer.
Be open-minded
While you may have a dream job in mind, remember that you may not get it right away – especially in a job market drought. The best thing you can do after graduating is to be flexible and stay open-minded and have a willingness to try new things that are out of your comfort zone.
You’re too early on in your career to shut off opportunities. You never know what may trigger your passions or steer you in interesting directions.
You may not have an obvious career path, in mind right now so this is your chance to explore your options and see what happens.
Talk to your friends
When you’re going through a tough time, don’t be afraid to reach out to those closest to you. You don’t have to go through anything alone if you allow others to be there as a source of comfort and support.
It’s natural to compare your success to that of your peers – but that is extremely unhelpful thinking. Everyone reaches their personal milestones in their own time.
If you feel as though you want to express your feelings, let it all out. One piece of advice from a close friend or family member could instantly help you tackle professional challenges.
Make the most of the graduate help available
If you’re struggling to find jobs on your own, you may find it useful to sign up to a graduate recruitment agency such as Inspiring Interns, where you’ll discover a vast range of graduate jobs and internships from employers all over the UK and beyond.
All you have to do is register, create a video CV and wait for the job offers to come in. This will significantly take the pressure off your shoulders during a recession as all of the hard work job-hunting will be done for you.