Why is cycling so popular?
- August 3, 2018
- George Moss
Cycling has taken over, but why is it so popular? It’s simply a great way to get around. It has a whole load of benefits that are both personal and communal in nature, and it’s important that everyone considers, or at least respects, the majesty of the bicycle. OK, so I’m a fan… But, if everyone hopped astride a bike to get where they needed to go, the world would be a better place. Instead of a driver’s worst nightmare, they’re actually the soothing cure to many of their ills.
Ultimately, it does everyone a bit of good to hop on that saddle, and here’s why!
Greener transport
The environment is buggered. Cars in the city are largely to thank for it, accumulating poisonous gases that increase the air’s toxicity. Still, as petrol and diesel vehicles are to be phased out for electric counterparts, one other alternative often goes overlooked; the common bicycle!
Each time you turn those peddles, you’re one less contribution to the pollution that’s being puffed up into the air. You have no exhaust at your rear pumping out poison, and you can roam around without this worry. If more and more people turned to bikes, all could breathe clean air without the chance of illness!
More exercise
It’s no secret that exercise is good for you. Of course, the fact that cycling is good exercise is common knowledge too. Nevertheless, it’s worth repeating as it’s one of the core benefits of owning and using a bike.
You’re more prone to illness if you don’t give your body anything to do. This isn’t about how you’ll look, but how you’ll feel. Instead of becoming a health-issue magnet, journey to uni or work by bike. That way, you can implement regular exercise without it being too disruptive to your day-to-day.
Additionally, exercise is great for the soul as well as the body. It can feel incredibly fulfilling and liberating, and has affects well after activities end too! That mild ache in your thighs after some hard peddling means you got a good work out, and you should be proud!
Space on public transport
Space on public transport has long erred the public. The Tube in London is always rammed come rush hour, as people clamber on to get home. Throughout the capital, you’ll find few people who get a thrill out of public transport. If you’ve experienced this kind of ordeal here, then no doubt you think something could be done.
You’d be right to think so! Cities are bike friendly for the most part, meaning you can zip around free of queues and rude commuters. For example, York always encourages cycling, and they’ve made great efforts to provide cycling lanes. Through this kind of intuition, the people who use public transport can at least find a seat for their journey home. The cityscape is adapting, so adapt with it and snag a bike!
Room on the roads
Less cars means less traffic. Of course, traffic is something many drivers complain about, especially during rush hour. Many think there’s no way to avoid it, but there is if people turn their attention to bikes.
There are other perks as a result of this. Less cars could even lead to emergency services and delivery folks getting to where they need to be in better time. The roads are to help mobility, not hinder it. After all, the London population is set to increase dramatically, and bikes are the only way to free up some road room.
Think of it in terms of spacing too. On a stretch of road where you could fit ten or eleven cars, you could probably fit nearly twenty-odd cyclists. In the end, becoming a cyclist has far reaching benefits for others too.
George Moss writes for Inspiring Interns, which specialises in sourcing candidates for internships. To browse our graduate jobs London listings, visit our website.