How to Deal With The Unemployment Blues Post-Uni
- March 12, 2018
- Xiomara Meyer
Maybe you’ve just graduated, and the adult world is proving harder than your thought. Perhaps you’ve had enough of the minimum-wage jobs and are trying to land something more closely related to your degree. Whatever the situation, unemployment is certainly not fun, but there are ways to get around it.
Time to budget
A little more money in the bank means a little more time to look for jobs before you start to run out. If you have economic security – that’s great. But, if you don’t, don’t panic: the time has come to budget.
Make a spending plan, assure you know how much you need to have in your account at the begging of the months (account for direct debits, food, and rent) and keep a tight rein on your finances for the time being. Adapt to eating on a budget (easier than it sounds, and equally tasty) and avoid unnecessary expenditure.
A temporary setback
The key word here is temporary. You know you can get a retail or hospitality job (which might help with expenses), but you are consciously choosing to dedicate your time to finding something permanent and full-time. “The way we ‘frame’ what happens to us has everything to do with how we cope and move forward.”
Staying patient for the ‘right job’ will come with temporary setbacks (such as that in which you find yourself now), but that’s part of the ordeal.
You are not alone
Don’t you dare put yourself down for not being employed, and don’t you dare let others criticise you for it. As of 2016, “about one-in-five graduates were in low or medium skilled jobs on average across the whole of the working population.”
Some people find their perfect job in 3 months, for others, it takes much longer. Don’t compare yourself to others -everyone does things at their own rate and there is no wrong or right time or way.
What was comparatively easier for our parents back in the day (buying a house, having children, living on a comfortable pension all in their twenties) is almost impossible in today’s economy.
Develop a routine
The first you might notice is that your life lacks some sense of structure. It’s gonna take a little more self-discipline, but try to keep that alarm clock going (yes, it can be set a little later than usual), and try to make a routine for yourself.
Remember that your job now is to find a new job. Set a few hours in the day dedicated to researching and/or applying to new positions. Set a goal list. This will all not only help to keep you occupied, but also help to make your day productive. Most importantly, remember to maintain a positive attitude!
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” -Thomas Edison
Be flexible, but don’t give up
If your efforts are so far “futile”, and now the point has come when you’re diving into that overdraft, it might be time to be a little more flexible with the jobs you choose. This only means that, for financial purposes, it might be worth taking on a temporary role, or casual work.
Such roles give you flexibility to maintain your job hunt whilst earning some money.
There is no, and shouldn’t be, any shame in working service jobs. They exist because is it needed, any job is better than none.
Take care of yourself
This may be on the back of your mind during these times, but you should make an effort to shift it at least a few steps to the front. Eat as healthy as you can, exercise, and try to get your minimum 7.5 hours of sleep.
You should also take some time for yourself, when you don’t think of how to solve your unemployment. Go for a walk in the park, visit a free museum or installation, or maybe indulge yourself in the occasional “coffee shop break”, where you can just socialise with friends and relax your mind.
Inspiring Interns is a recruitment agency specialising in all the internships and graduate jobs London has to offer. Xiomara Meyer is a drama and creative writing graduate with an interest in psychology and the slightly bizarre. Samples of her prose can be found here.