6 Things Every Student Needs In Their Room
- January 12, 2018
- Nikita Murva
Yay for decorating! It’s one of the most enlightening things about moving to university and developing your own student space. Maybe you share a room at home or perhaps you just want a completely new ‘student’ vibe; either way, you’ll have a lot of fun.
Typical university accommodation can be quite small. You won’t have mountains of space so you will need to learn to be methodical and resource in the way you decorate and what you put in your room.
So, what are the best or most important things to have?
A laptop or computer
Quite the necessity when it comes to student life, the ever-present laptop has become the sine qua non of a university education. It’s handy to have your own computer in your room to help you when it comes to essays, research and even a bit of Netflix-ing.
It might be tempting to skip the expense. However, relying on university computers all the time may not seem like such a good idea in exam season, when the libraries are inundated with students. Look for the best student deals and places where you can get money off!
It’s a bit of a running joke that dorms resemble prisons. Why not spruce the place up with some funky posters of your favourite musicians, films or artworks? Adding lighting is also a great touch to create different moods and add some personality to the place!
Photographs of family and friends
No doubt you’ll be missing your family and friends back at home. Okay, maybe not in the first few weeks, but after a while you should.
Have some photographs printed cheaply and stick them up by your desk to comfort you when you miss your loved one. Not enough? Have them write you little notes when they come over or put up birthday/celebration cards you’ve received as a memento.
A doorstop
Living in dorms means making friends, and making friends means being sociable. Typically there are about ten people to one flat in halls. Keep your door open during the first few weeks to say hello to everyone that walks past and maybe even invite them in for a chat!
People will feel more comfortable in talking to you if they know you’re open and friendly. Host a pre-drinks session in your room or invite everyone in for a movie night.
A portable heater
University heating is not as reliable as we’d all like it to be unfortunately. So taking your own small portable heater will be very useful in winter months or even give your room a nice toasty warm up whilst you shower.
Being a student means never having too many boxes. Stock up on deep, clear plastic boxes from any home store or general supermarket. They’re a great space saver to store extras under your bed, on top of your wardrobe or to even stack in your room.
Separate boxes into different themes so your things are more accessible. For example, one could be cleaning supplies whilst another has a storage of tinned food, extra kitchen-wear and more. They will also double as storage for the summer and make moving in and out of university much easier.
Make your uni life easier by making your room resourceful, organised and, most of all, a little piece of you!
Nikita studied English & Creative Writing at Brunel University London. Her loves include literature, travelling and writing. She is a spiritual soul and a bit of a wanderer. Stalk her on Twitter, Instagram and on http://www.nikitamurva.com/!
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