5 Dream Gap Year Jobs Abroad
- September 25, 2017
- Laura Bill
Taking a gap year can give you the real-world experience you need before settling down into work or study. A gap year well spent will give you the freedom to develop your subject area, travel and earn a bit of cash along the way too.
Here are five cool gap yah jobs to consider if you plan on travelling abroad.
English teacher
One fantastic gap year job is teaching English abroad.
An essential requirement is that you’re an English native speaker, but there also may be the added requirements of having a background in education or acquiring a bachelor’s. This role therefore may be more suited to those who have completed their undergraduate degree.
Still, it’s good to check out your options. In Thailand, for example, you’ll earn roughly £530 per month over a four-month contract. EFL (English as a Foreign Language) is a huge industry and you can choose almost anywhere in the world to work.
Kids’ camps
One popular job role to consider is assisting at kids’ camps. You can apply for a range of roles to suit your own personal interests such as leading activities or applying to dedicated camps which suit your own strengths. Each camp will differ in the required level of expertise and the varying lengths of commitment. However, the average is between 2-3 months.
Two well-known schemes are Summer Camp America and Summer Camp Thailand. However, Easter and Summer camps expect applications to be submitted between November and February – so don’t be late!
Bar work
One of the best ways of earning during a gap year is to do bar work in Australia. If you’re an expert bartender, you’ll always be in demand wherever you travel. Australia is the ideal place for bar work as thousands of other gap year students venture to Oz whilst on their travels, therefore is a great place to meet others. The national minimum wage is one of the best in the world – so shouldn’t be sniffed at!
You can choose to do bar work on a full-time, part-time or casual basis, which means you can work it around your travelling schedule if you plan on visiting other countries.You can also save a bit of cash before you move elsewhere.
Before you travel, make sure you arrange a working holiday visa, which permits you to work in Australia and New Zealand for up to 12 months.
Although volunteering won’t give you a wage, you’ll find it’s one of the most rewarding experiences.
Browse through a range of charities and see which ones interest you. Volunteer Abroad is a useful organisation which offers over 150 volunteer placements in over 10 countries. While you won’t be earning stacks of cash, you may be able to secure yourself a paid role after 12 months.
Ski instructor
If you consider yourself a keen skier and have already gained instructor qualifications, you may decide on becoming a ski instructor. Qualifications take around 10 weeks to complete and cost a whopping £7,000. Still, once gained, you can work almost anywhere.
If you manage to land yourself a job in a rich chalet, you could be receiving tips of over €200 per week – a real bonus to your £500 per month salary. One of the benefits of this role if that your accommodation, food and ski pass is all paid for, so all you need to do is pocket your money and save it for a rainy day!
If you’re interested in becoming a ski instructor during your gap year, check out BASI to see if they’re hiring.
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