6 Things To Not Include On Your CV
- August 16, 2017
- Josie Clarkson
Getting a job is full of hurdles to overcome: interviews, cover letters and most importantly your CV.
Your CV is arguably the most important document you submit to potential employers, so it has to be really good to prevent it from being discarded. Writing such a crucial document is not an easy task and there are lots of websites available that are full of helpful information.
To get you started, here is a brief list of things you should avoid including on your CV.
Personal details
The Equal Act established in 2010 prohibited the discrimination of a person in the workplace due to features such as their religion, age etc. This extends to HR and interviewers are not allowed to ask you for these types of personal details.
Putting details such as your marital status or religion on your CV could lead employers to discard your application for fear of penalisation under the Act if they don’t employ you. Instead, simply include a home address, email address and phone number.
Minor jobs
Minor jobs you did when you were fourteen such as babysitting or a paper round are unnecessary additions to your CV. Why would an employer care that you used to cycle around your neighbouring streets with a sack of papers? Unless you’re applying for a role as a postman, they wouldn’t, so don’t include them in your CV.
Outdated things
Similarly, employers don’t care that you won Most Improved Player in your Year 5 football team. Current skills, achievements and hobbies are great additions to your CV because they show you as a well-rounded person. Conversely, hobbies and events you took part in 10 years ago are outdated and irrelevant to your current personal life.
Most people agree that you shouldn’t include a photo of yourself on your CV. This works both ways; after all, would you really want to work for someone who values your looks over your skills and competency?
Opinions without facts
If you claim you’re good at working to deadlines, give your prospective employer some evidence to back this up. The same is true for any quality that you state on your CV, without evidence to support them, these features are just your opinion and don’t count for anything.
False information
A staggering 33% of jobseekers lie on their CVs. This is not only illegal but it would be incredibly naive to think that the company’s HR team wouldn’t do a thorough background check on you to ensure your claims are true.
If they find you have lied, they will reject your application immediately. If not, then you risk being employed by a job for which you lack the skill-set, which would make for a very difficult and stressful employment. Either way, don’t do it.
These pointers should help you when drafting your CV, but are by no means exhaustive. For further help writing your CV, seek careers advice from your school, university or helpful websites.
Inspiring Interns is a graduate recruitment agency which specialises in sourcing candidates for marketing internship roles and giving out graduate careers advice. To browse graduate jobs and graduate jobs Manchester, visit their website.