Working From Home: Pros & Cons
- July 25, 2017
- Nikita Murva
Working from home is increasingly becoming an option for students and recent graduates.
Quite simply, it is what it says on the tin. Instead of being in an office, shop or working environment, you stay at home and complete your shift from there. Types of jobs that cater to home-workers could include affiliates, bloggers, childcare or a sales advisor.
However, there are both up- and downsides to remote employment:
- It is a great way to earn some extra money.
- No stress or expense of travelling to a workplace.
- You dictate your own working hours.
- No money needed for fancy workplace uniforms.
- Switch up your workplace. Perhaps you feel like working in the garden today, or running down to Costa with your laptop!
- No chance to socialise with co-workers.
- You can easily get lazy or develop an “I’ll do it later” attitude.
- No change of scenery.
- You’re always at home.
- You can easily get distracted by sleeping in late, running errands, watching TV, etc.
Working from home is often the best option for students, new mums or older people. The money may not be as good as a normal, commuting job but you’re still earning and gaining experience.
Just make sure all the fine print before accepting a work-from-home position, to double check that it isn’t a scam. In addition, always do extra background research on the company you are applying to.
If you do opt for remote working, stick to a schedule and make sure to get out a bit as well. Nip out to the gym, meet a few friends after work or even go to Tesco!
So, are you going to be a home-worker?
Nikita studied English with Creative Writing at Brunel University London. Her loves include literature, travelling and writing. She is a spiritual soul and a bit of a wanderer. Stalk her on Twitter, Instagram and on http://www.nikitamurva.com/!
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