5 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Film Degree
- March 2, 2017
- James Crump
A film degree is one for the dreamers. The industry is notoriously difficult to break into, with few jobs paying a liveable wage, and a cycle of unpaid internships keeping many at the entry point.
However, what you do during your degree can give you an advantage over your classmates. Below are five ways to make the most of your film degree.
1: Practice, practice, practice
One advantage of the rise in tuition fees is that universities are finding it easier to afford industry standard equipment. This doesn’t just mean that your masterpiece of a final film will look like you’ve dreamed of, but that you will have the opportunity to practice with professional equipment whenever you like.
Once graduated, if you get an opportunity to film and you can’t use the equipment, the job will go to someone who can. Practice whilst it’s free, and gain the skills to get ahead.
2: Be nice
This bit of advice is pertinent for everyday life, but is vitally important whilst studying film.
A film production involves many people, each as important as the last. With limited numbers of people specialising in each discipline, competition between students for collaborators is fierce. Being liked though, will give you the edge.
A film set is a stressful place, and if you have a track record of being nice, and collaborative, then people are going to want to work with you when it comes to crunch time.
3: Watch films you haven’t heard of
Similarly to the equipment at your disposal, most universities worth their salt will have a large DVD collection. Films are free to rent, and unlike the constant buffering of your Netflix, they can be watched with just a DVD player.
Don’t waste this golden chance by watching films you already plan to watch. Instead, pick films at random, and most importantly, devour films you haven’t heard of, or reflect a life you don’t lead.
This will quickly broaden your filmic horizons, while positively influencing your life, dissertation and practical work.
4: Make your own project outside of the course
A way to stand out in an industry as competitive as film, is by making your own project, in your own time.
Most people leave a film degree with a film, a screenplay, or a portfolio to show off their talents to prospective employers. These are often limited by course needs though.
Many filmmakers have made their name, by creating a calling card, or by going the extra mile, and creating their own project. This will show your desire and drive to succeed, whilst improving your skill-set.
5: Get experience
The ability to use equipment will benefit you whilst making your way in the film industry, but this will mean nothing without professional experience.
The position you will likely have to start with, will be that of a runner. This mainly involves making tea and coffee for your higher-ups. Whilst this may not be the glamorous job you dreamed of, it is an important step on your way to film domination.
You can only climb the ranks, if you have started at the bottom. The desire to work a job below your talents, will also be a good sign to employers that you are willing to work for what you want.
A film degree is a fun experience, but if you want to give yourself an advantage post-graduation, the above isn’t a bad place to start.
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