- September 11, 2009
- danny
Hello all!
Well, we say the proof is in the pudding Feast your eyes on these delectable testimonials about why Inspiring Interns really do get the job done; in more ways than one (I've deleted the names in the interests of....
Hello all!
Is work experience essential?
Quoted from: This MarketingMagazine.co.uk news article
“Part of the drive is targeting the 18% of young people interested in a career in advertising, marketing and PR.
And so, as is the tradition both tragic and hopeful, four Inspiring Interns Interns enjoy their last day in the office as they prepare to move on, whilst four bright and eager new Interns are already being shown the ropes and getting to grips with everything; the technology, the people, the ethos.
Our fun-loving, hard-working and generous Founder and CEO, Ben Rosen, has been recognised once again for his efforts to beat the recession.
It has been revealed in the news today (http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/98bd87f8-9045-11de-bc59-00144feabdc0.html) that The British Telecom Group PLC (BT Group) will not be recruiting graduates for the foreseeable future.
A great work by T-shirt designers.
Our founder & CEO, Ben Rosen, gave an interview recently to Mobile Entertainment on graduate internship placements.
Having only been on an internship with Inspiring Interns for a week, one very important aspect of working with a start-up has really crystallised in my mind and this is the fact that is it crucial to be RESOURCEFUL.