Landing a Grad Job With Zero Experience

Are you constantly being turned down by grad job employers because you don’t have the relevant experience?

While you may be entering the job market with a strong academic background, a huge number of grads lack the practical experience that many employers value.

It can almost feel like a catch-22: You’re denied jobs due to lack of experience, yet you need a job to gain experience. So, how do you break out of the cycle?

Here are some top tips on how to navigate the issue of getting a grad job with no experience:

Apply for an internship

Internships are a great option for graduates looking to get into the working world and don’t have any prior experience under their belt.

Internships offer real-world work experience


Think of internships as immersive work opportunities. They’re usually compensated with a lower salary than grad jobs but offer an entry route into prestigious companies. They’re designed to provide practical experience within a set timeframe, often spanning a few months or a semester. During this period, graduates have the chance to get an insight into their chosen industry and apply the knowledge they’ve gained through education to real-world situations.

During the placement, you’ll likely have the opportunity to assist with day-to-day operations, contribute to specific projects and even shadow experienced employees to gain insights into different aspects of the organisation.

When it comes to the hiring process, employers often lean towards candidates who have completed internships because these individuals have gained industry experience and have shown dedication to their career path and their eagerness to learn and grow within the field. Additionally, many internship placements give candidates the chance to network with industry professionals and build on their communication skills, which further enhances their appeal to employers.

Check out our latest internship vacancies here.

Side projects

While navigating the grad job search process, you could consider dedicating some time to side projects. Regardless of your area of expertise—whether you’re a writer, designer, coder, or artist — this option allows you to showcase your talents and expand your skills through independent projects.

Freelancing offers you the chance to build a diverse portfolio that not only demonstrates your talents to potential clients, but also leaves a lasting impression on future grad job employers during interviews. This portfolio is a powerful visual representation of your skills and achievements, showcasing your versatility and creativity. Mentioning your portfolio within your CV can give you a competitive edge, making you a more appealing candidate for desirable positions in your field.

Additional training

Even after dedicating a minimum of three years to earning your degree, investing in additional training within your desired field can significantly enhance your career prospects and deepen your expertise. This commitment to ongoing learning demonstrates your dedication to mastering your craft and advancing in your chosen career path. Keep a lookout for online courses on platforms such as Coursera, where you’ll not only enhance vital skills, but also keeps you in the loop with the latest industry trends.


Although it may not directly provide you with the experience required for certain roles, networking offers invaluable connections that can open doors to new opportunities. Make an effort to cultivate relationships with individuals who may be inclined to take a chance on you for positions within their own companies. In some cases, it can even lead to valuable referrals towards suitable roles through their contacts. Personal recommendations carry significant weight with hiring managers and may increase your chances of securing interviews and ultimately landing the job you desire. It even expands your own professional circle and serves as a powerful tool for accessing hidden job markets and potential career opportunities that may not be advertised publicly.

If you’re still in search of your ideal perfect grad role, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our team is here to support you in your job search journey, offering guidance, and opportunities tailored to your skills and aspirations. Get in touch with us now to take the next step towards kick-starting your career.
