Top Tops for Your First Telephone Interview for a Graduate Job
- October 11, 2022
- Marketing Team
Congratulations! You have reached the interview stage of the graduate job application process and now the nerves are probably starting to kick in, right?
Although you may be prepared for a traditional face-to-face interview, many employers now choose to make contact with candidates through a telephone interview, before selecting the final few to attend an in-person meeting.
While you may believe that a telephone interview is easy, there’s still a lot to take into account, so don’t take this first stage too lightly. Fail to impress at the first hurdle and you may not reach the next round.
Here are some of the best tips to take on board if you have an upcoming telephone interview for a graduate job:
Pick the right location
Once you know the time and date of your interview, it’s time to plan where you’ll take the call. If you know your family is around and there’s likely to be noise, or you’ll feel extra nervous knowing they’re overhearing the conversation, it’s best to choose somewhere private and quiet.
Aim to choose somewhere that is calm, with no background noise or distractions so you can communicate easily with the employer.
Wherever you choose, be sure to bring along your CV and cover letter so you can refer to your skills, experiences, and previous work placements if needed during the conversation.
Research the company and the graduate job role
Much like a traditional face-to-face interview, you’ll need to know a little bit about the company. Do some research by browsing the company website or their social media profiles to get a feel for their company culture, industry, and the products and services they offer.
This is not only beneficial to be prepared should questions come up about your knowledge of the company, but also gives you an indication as to whether the company is the right fit for you too.
Listen carefully to the graduate job employer
As you can’t see the interviewer, you’ll need to listen extra carefully to what they’re saying so you can understand what they mean. Without being in the same room as someone, it can be difficult to fully comprehend what is being stated, so don’t get too relaxed over the phone.
Always stay alert as the conversation progresses so that you can give well-thought-out and well-delivered answers to their questions. Also, always sound positive and enthusiastic, and r ember to never, ever yawn!
Dress to impress
Although the interviewer cannot see you, the way you dress can have a huge impact on the way you conduct yourself in the interview. If you’ve just woken up and sat in your dressing gown ready to take the call, it’s unlikely you’ll feel motivated and ready to tackle such an important task. After all, this interview could be the stepping stone to helping you land your dream job, so don’t let it go to waste.
Get showered, do your hair and choose an outfit that makes you feel empowered – it will make a difference to the way you conduct yourself and your attitude.
Have a glass of water nearby
We all know what those dreaded interview nerves feel like. The pressure can get to you and after non-stop talking, your mouth is likely to go dry, causing you to stumble on your words. There’s nothing wrong with having a glass of water nearby to sip now and again so you’re hydrated and refreshed.
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