How to Differentiate Your IT CV!

With technology developing dramatically in recent years, the IT industry is certainly booming and is seeking more candidates than ever before, to get into the sector.

However, with that comes a great deal of competition, so it’s important you find a way to stand out from the crowd. Your CV is the first impression you make to show off your skills and experience. In this blog, we are going to look at some of the key factors that differentiate your CV from other candidates, to boost your chances of getting hired.


1-Tailor your CV

You must tailor your CV to the job you’re applying for. There are a wide range of job roles in the IT sector that need various skillsets and levels of experience, so a ‘one-size-fits-all’ CV just won’t cut it.

Employers are looking for specifics within a candidates’ CV and if the information is too general, it is a tell-tale sign that they haven’t read the job specification and therefore, are unaware of what is expected of them.

So employers are looking for specific experience and experience that ties in with the job role they’re hiring for – putting this information at the top of your CV will ensure it is noticed immediately!


2-Demonstrate Technical Expertise

Try not to be too general when making statements on your CV.

You need to prove to the employer that you have key knowledge of specific tools and software that’s relevant to the job. Even if you’re a fast learner, employers always look for this solid experience over attitude.

So it’s a good idea to highlight any technologies you’ve used and how you’ve used them!



Nobody likes a ‘show off’ but when it comes to job applications, it’s a highly favourable tactic.

If you have worked with high-profile or global companies, ensure you mention it.

Work experience can often be the tipping point between two candidates with the same level of education, therefore, don’t be afraid to shout about the names of the companies you have worked for to enhance your chances of being asked to attend an interview.


4-Talk About Training

Although you may already have the level of education that is required, it’s always a good idea to implement a section on the training courses you have attended.

This will help employers understand where your specialities lie and where you will fit in within the company.

Training also proves to the employer that you’re willing to progress and take on new opportunities which is a major plus point, as it shows that you have a productive and driven attitude.


5-Don’t be Boring

Although you may be tempted to write out every single mundane task of your existing job to prove your skills and abilities, employers are only looking for the basic facts.

Instead, try to include what you have achieved. Get specific with numbers, projects and the impact your work had and you’re bound to impress! This will demonstrate that you have something to offer their company.

As always- keep your CV short, concise and to the point or you run the risk of boring the employer who will move onto the next CV!

If you are hoping to switch career paths to get into the IT sector, or simply changing your role in the industry, we hope this guide has given you some clarification on how to make your CV stand out from the crowd!


