Job Search Still Quiet? Spend Your Time Wisely!
- January 7, 2018
- Kathryn Terry
It’s January. The dream job search is still as quiet as it was in June. Family members constantly ask why you aren’t putting your degree to use and, after six months of this question, you’re kind of numb to it. Maybe you haven’t even had a single interview and you’ve completely lost momentum. Maybe you’ve simply given up applying for jobs.
Here’s how to spend your time wisely when it feels like no employer wants to even get in touch with you.
Start on the thing you’ve always said you’ll do
When you’re working a job you hate but need an income, start to work on that thing you’ve always said you’ll do ‘one day.’
“One day I’ll write a book.”
“I’ll run a marathon once I’ve finished uni.”
Stop moaning and get down to it. It’ll feel rewarding to create or improve at something, even when the job hunt feels like it’s going terribly.
Alongside other commitments, give yourself a fair amount of time to do whatever it is you’ve always wanted to. Job hunting can be really disheartening but, if you’re making time for something you’re really passionate about, it’ll seem far better. Spend an hour to two a day doing that thing you always said you would.
Hop on a plane and work abroad
Finding a job after university is challenging to say the least. After half a year of scrolling through Indeed in your breaks at work, it might be time to switch things up. If you’re fuelled by wanderlust, why not break up your post-grad life by working abroad?
You could work in a bar, teach English as a foreign language or work for a global company with the help of your second language. Alexandra Talty, writing for Forbes, explains that you shouldn’t worry about opportunities you could be missing out on at home. It might just be a choice you wouldn’t ever regret.
If you’ve always wondered whether working abroad could be for you ─ even if only for a year or so ─ then start your adventure today.
Apply for or gain a role with extra responsibility
Graduates expect and are expected to land their dream job immediately after university. You’ve got your degree, which means the dream job is a given. Except it’s not as easy as that. While reaching out to employers, gain some extra responsibility in your current job or a new one.
Employers want to see that you can handle important responsibilities and even be a team leader. Apply for the supervisor/assistant manager/manager role your employer is offering.
It’s often frowned upon when graduates find themselves in the retail, sales or the hospitality industry. These jobs, however, offer graduates so much. Most importantly, ‘supervisor’, ‘assistant manager’ and ‘manager’ will look brilliant on your CV!
Learn a new skill/pick up an old hobby
Get your full driving license, attend an evening course or restart your dance lessons. This quiet period that consists of the “apply now” button and starting work at midday means you have time to perfect a skill.
According to thisismoney.co.uk, not having a driving license can threaten your success in the job hunting world. Although seemingly unfair, maybe you’ve been putting off learning. Now you have the time and a bit of pocket money, get the job done! Otherwise, pick up that A-Level second language you dropped before university. Being able to speak another language improves employability massively.
Alternatively, simply pick up a previous hobby or begin a new one. Many employers are interested in skills that aren’t necessary for a particular role – why not become a more interesting candidate?
Spending time on job sites and sending ‘here goes nothing’ emails to companies you admire is crucial as a graduate. It can also be frustrating; you should be totally “employable” but employers won’t give you a chance. So spend time outside of job hunting wisely. Better yourself and, in the mean time, it could make you more employable.
But if it doesn’t? At least you’ve had some fun!
Kathryn ─ known as Kat even though she prefers Kath ─s tudied English Language at Cardiff University and now wants to finally pen that book she’s always been meaning to write. Check out her Twitter, Instagram and blog to delve into her mind further.
Inspiring Interns is a recruitment agency specialising in all the internships and graduate jobs London has to offer.